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Donald McAleer Psy. D. ABPP

Clinical Psychologist /Senior Partner

Dr. McAleer received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a special proficiency in Behavioral Medicine and completed doctoral internship in Neuropsychology at Hamot Medical Center and Lake Erie Institute of Rehabilitation.  He is Board Certified in Clinical Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and the Pennsylvania Psychological Association. He is on staff at three acute hospitals and one rehabilitation hospital in Erie where he provides neuropsychological consultations. He was a clinical supervisor in the Erie Psychology Consortium, a doctoral internship accredited by the American Psychological Association and is currently the Director of Training For Northshore's Residency program. He is a past president of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and is the Vice-Chair of the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology. He has lectured frequently on topics such as neuropsychology, behavioral management, psychopharmacology and professional ethics.
Indiana University of PA        1984 - 1988
Psy.D. Clinical Psychology

APA Approved

Special Proficiency:

Behavioral Medicine



Edinboro University of PA.     1976 - 1978

M.A.  Professional Psychology



Edinboro University of PA.     1975 - 1976

M.ED.  Educational Psychology



Gannon University                 1970 - 1974

B.A.  Psychology


Professional Affiliations, Designations:
American Psychological Association

Fellow - Division 31, State, Provincial and Territorial Association Affairs

Member -Division 12, Clinical Psychology; Division 40, Neuropsychology; Division 42, Independent Practice; Division 55, Psychopharmacology


Fellow - Pennsylvania Psychological Association


Member - Northwest Pennsylvania Psychological Association            


Registrant # 43237 - National Register of Health Care Providers in Psychology


Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology #2646 - Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards


Board Certified in Clinical Psychology #6349 – American Board of Professional Psychology


Florida Telehealth provider #TPPY1155,


Professional Appointments,
Hospital Affiliations


Allied Health Professional, UPMC Hamot Medical Center

201 State Street, Erie, PA  16501


Allied Health Professional, Encompass Health  Rehabilitation Hospital of Erie

143 East 2nd. Street, Erie, PA.  16507


Allied Health Professional, Select Specialty Hospital of Erie

201 State Street, Erie, PA  16501


Allied Health Professional, St. Vincent Health Center

232 West 25th Street, Erie, PA 16544


Professional Awards:

Karl F. Heiser Presidential Award: American Psychological Association, 2008


Ethics Educator Award: Pennsylvania Psychological Association, 2009


Distinguished Service Award: Pennsylvania Psychological Association, 2009



Professional Activity:


American Psychological Association:

Pennsylvania Representative, APA Council of Representatives: January, 2007 – December 2012.


Chair: Caucus of State Provincial and Territorial Representatives: 2011 – 2012; Treasurer, 2009 – 2011.


Secretary: Division 31, American Psychological Association 2017


Member Assistance Program: Pennsylvania State Police  2013- Present


Medical Advisory Board:  Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, 2011- 2023.


Member, Advisory Council of Erie

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western New York/ Northwestern Pa, 1990 - 2004


Chair, Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology,  2018 - present.


State Psychological Association Activities:



President: 2001- 2002.


Treasurer: 1999 -2000.


Chairperson: Internal Affairs Board; 1994 – 1997.


Chairperson: Awards Committee 1998 - 2001: 2003 – 2007.


Chairperson: ASPIRE Task Force 2017-2018


Member: Bylaws Revision Task Force, 9/95-3/97 and 9/00-6/01.


Chairperson: Bylaws revision Task Force, 2010 – 2011.


Member: Psychopharmacology Committee, 1999- 2016.


Member:  Ethics Committee; 1992 - Present.


Member: Succession Development Task Force; 2012- 2014


Member: Leadership Development Committee; 2016- 2017


Board Member:   Pennsylvania Psychological Assn. Political Action Committee, 1996- 2010, Chairperson: 2003 - 2007.


Publications: (selected)


Slattery, J., Knauss, L., and McAleer, D. (2018). Assessing the mental capacity to

choose to die. The Pennsylvania Psychologist. 78 (6).16-17.


McAleer, D. (2010). Political action at work at the national level. The Pennsylvania

 Psychologist. 70 (10). 8.


McAleer, D. (2010). APA bylaws revision is important to states. The Pennsylvania

            Psychologist. 70 (9). 1,6.


McAleer, D. (2009). Ethical and practical aspects of psychological report writing. The

       Pennsylvania Psychologist. 69 (3). 20-21.


McAleer, D. and Evans, J. (2008). Lobbying your legislator. [DVD]. Available from the

Author, 120 East Second Street, Third Floor, Erie, PA 16507


McAleer, D. (2004). Biofeedback and Ethics.  The Pennsylvania Psychologist.

64 (8), 9.


McAleer, D., (2001). Good Stuff: Psychology, The Health Care Profession of

the 21st Century.  The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 61 (8), 2, 16-18,32..


Gavazzi, J., McAleer, D. and Cullari, S. (2001). Pennsylvania psychologists

and prescription privileges: Where are we now? The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 61 (2),  23,25,36.


McAleer, D. and Jennings, D. (2000). Comments of the Ethics Committee. The

Pennsylvania Psychologist, 60 (3), 3-4.


McAleer, D. (1999). Medication consultation: Ethical Issues. The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 59 (12), 1-3.


McAleer, D. (1998). Experts and Competencies. The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 58 (1), 1, 7.


McAleer, D. (1995).  What about Bob and other occasional happenings. The Pennsylvania Psychologist. 55 (3), 9,32.



Presentations: (Selected)



McAleer, D. Cowan, M. and Gorko, S. (2010, June). The Ethics of Personal Safety and

Self Care. Workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention. Harrisburg, PA.


McAleer, D. (2013, November). Raymond R. Rosswog Memorial Lecture: Management

of Post-Hyper-acute Stroke from a Neuropsychologist’s Perspective. Invited presentation, 2013 Neuroscience Conference, Erie, PA.


McAleer, D., Knauss, L., Gavazzi, J., Knapp, S., and Barksdale, T. (2015). Innovative

models for the future. Keynote address presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention. Harrisburg, PA.


McAleer, D., Mapes, B. and Slattery, J. (2015, October). The Essentials of Ethics. Workshop presented at the Annual PPA Ethics Educators     Conference.


McAleer, D., Mapes, B. and Slattery, J. (2015, October). Walking Down the Hall:Ethical

collaboration in practice. Workshop presented at the Annual PPA Ethics Educators Conference.


May, L., and McAleer, D. (2017). Capacity Evaluation of Older Adults with a Special

Focus on Driving. Workshop presented at the Annual PPA Convention.


McAleer, D. (2017). Situational Awareness: The Foundation of Personal Safety. Invited lecture

presented at the Annual PPA Convention.


Hogue, M. and McAleer, D. (2018) Assessment, Identification and Management of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementias in your Clinical Practice. Workshop presented at the Annual PPA Convention


McAleer, D. (2019). A backwards look into the future: How I ended up on Medical

Neuropsychology and the potential for your future. Keynote address: Psychology Day, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.


Small, R., McAleer, D., Bilski, K., Gaskill, A., Hornstein, R. (2019). When clients

threaten therapists: Ethical and practical aspects. Workshop presented at the Annual PPA Convention.


McAleer, D., Rogers, D., and Martin, G. (2022) Working with police.  Workshop presented at the annual PPA Convention, Mount Pocono, PA.


Smith, L., Waldron, S., Cline, G., Marin, M., and McAleer, D. (2022). Supervision requirements: Do they need changing given the changing regulatory requirements? Panel discussion Presented at the Annual Meting of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. National Harbor MD.

Contact Us

Northshore Psychological Asssociates​


Tel: 814.877.8013



Address​​​​​​: 120 East Second Street, 

                Erie, PA 16507


© 2023 by Northshore Psychological Associates

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